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SMRT Brace

SMRT Brace

Regular price $495.00
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Need a little more bracing but don't have enough wall space? No worries we have got you covered. Our SMRT Brace can be used in a variety of framing applications, compatible with both timber and steel frames, and can be used to brace buildings sitting atop a slab, elevated floor system, or modular housing chassis. The 90mm width matches your wall framing which means no additional studs or packing material are required, how good is that!

  • Designed by carpenters, for carpenters - SMRT Braces are made with 90mm galvanised SHS columns, sitting flush with the line of the external wall frame, with generous space for tooling to tighten fasteners. 50mm baffles then facilitate the running of electrical cables within the cavity, perfect for mounting GPO's without a fuss
  • Can replace structural columns - SMRT Braces can also be used to support roof beams and sub-floor bearers
  • Engineered for peace of mind - SMRT Braces can be attached to a slab using chemical anchors, or bolted to a bearer on an elevated floor system. Check out the table below for published bracing values 

Panel Height




Lateral Brace Capacity


Load Capacity*


2400 350 8.2 100

450 11.1  100

600 12.5 100
2550 350 7 100

450 9.3 100

600 11.4 100
2700 350 6.9 100

450 7.3 100

600 8.1 100
*Denotes load capacity for parallel mounted beams. For centre point loads acting perpendicular to the brace, capacity is reduced according to brace width; 350mm (65kN), 450mm (55kN) and 600mm (45kN) 

Lateral bracing design based on RAMSET guidelines - RAMSET REO 502 must be used for installation.

Connection to slab:

  • 4/M16 GR8.8 threaded Inserts - embed 220mm into slab with RAMSET REO 502
  • minimum 65mm edge distance to slab 
  • minimum 100mm edge distance to adjacent edge at slab corner

Connection to bearer:

  • certifying engineer of floor system to nominate bearer type
  • 4/M16 structural bolts fasten to bearer

Steelmart ‘SMRT Braces’ are a great way to add bracing into your project when you are short on space. They can also be a cost-effective way of eliminating Structural portal frames for bracing. All SMRT Braces are 90mm wide welded structural steel panels, and are supplied with 16mm threaded rods - RAMSET 502 Chemset not included

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